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Forex Trading Coaches Macd 3 Forex

KURSY HANDLOWE FOREX - ZAUFANIE ADRESORA. MACD 3 ASSADANT HANDLOWA EA. MACD 3 Asystent Handlu. Asystent Handlu MACD 3 EA jest zautomatyzowanym programem zarządzania handlem. Oznacza to, że mówisz kiedy i jak wejść w handel MACD 3, a to zajmuje się zarządzaniem handlem - kiedy przenieść limity na zero, kiedy na szlaku zatrzymuje się bliżej bieżącej ceny, aby zablokować zyski, a kiedy szlak zatrzyma się i zamyka handel Asystent handlowy MACD 3 EA ma na celu ułatwienie handlu System MACD 3 Niektóre parametry można zmieniać, aby zachowywać się inaczej i może być nawet używany do zarządzania handlem, tak jakby był to handel huśtawka, a nie handel dzienny Niniejsza dokumentacja będzie obejmować zaprojektowane domyślne zachowanie w szczegółach i będzie wyjaśnij jaki wpływ będzie miał zmiana niektórych parametrów na zachowanie programu. Powinieneś eksperymentować z zachowaniem EA w rachunkach demo Każde użycie EA w koncie na żywo to twoja decyzja i akceptujesz respo odpowiedzialność za wszelką konsekwencję wynikającą z używania oprogramowania, czy to nieoczekiwane nielegalne zachowanie, niewłaściwe użycie przez użytkownika, czy nawet błędy w oprogramowaniu lub błędy Użycie tego doradcy eksperta to 100 Twoich obowiązków Więc proszę używać go w wersji demo można właściwie wykształcić się o jego używaniu i podejmować w pełni świadome decyzje dotyczące tego, gdzie i kiedy chcesz go używać. Na tej stronie MACD 3 Trade Assistant EA jest przeznaczony do zarządzania określoną strategią handlową, Forex Trading MACD 3 System Chociaż modyfikując parametry można zachowywać się inaczej, wciąż ogranicza się do pewnych podejść do zarządzania handlem, opartych na systemie handlu walutami MACD 3. Oto ogólny opis sposobu działania EA, a następnie bardziej szczegółowe wyjaśnienia. użyjesz EA do przeprowadzenia transakcji, otwiera dwie pozycje w aktualnej cenie lub opcjonalnie dwa oczekujące zlecenia po cenie początkowej, którą wyznaczyłeś. Musisz poinformować EA, jeśli kupujesz lub sprzedaży, a ile partii do obrotu w każdej z dwóch pozycji, które otworzy. Jak handel jest otwarty. Niektórzy brokerzy nie pozwalają na zatrzymanie i limity, które mają być umieszczone w pierwszym zamówieniu, a zatem EA po raz pierwszy otwiera pozycje, a następnie zmodyfikuj je przy użyciu ich ograniczeń i limitów. EA działa przez otwarcie dwóch transakcji z partiami i początkowy cel wybrania pierwszego Po otwarciu każdej pozycji, a następnie modyfikuje przystanki i ograniczenia każdej pozycji Jeśli modyfikacje z jakiegoś powodu powodują niewłaściwe zatrzymania limity i inne przyczyny, dla których powinieneś otrzymać okno komunikatu, informujące, że nie udało Ci się ustalić limitów ani ograniczyć, a ręcznie zmodyfikować transakcje ręcznie, aby ustawić ważne przystanki lub limity. Jednak niezależnie od tego, czy widzisz taką wiadomość, powinieneś ZAWSZE sprawdzać, czy Twoje początkowe pozycje są takie, jakimi są ich przeznaczenie Zawsze istnieją różne sposoby, które można rozwiązać za pośrednictwem usterek oprogramowania, problemów związanych z brokerem lub prostych błędów użytkownika i literówek z Twojej strony, może być wprowadzony inaczej niż oczekiwałeś ZAWSZE uwierzyć w swoje pozycje w tak krótkim czasie jak EA SETS THEM UP. Jak zarządza handlem. EA zarządza transakcjami w oparciu o status obu transakcji, wprowadzone parametry wejściowe oraz ogólne zasady rządzące systemem handlu MACD 3 Istnieją dwa odrębne etapy zarządzania handlem. Najpierw masz dwie pozycje, jeden ma twardy limit z brokerem pierwszy cel, a drugi nie ma limitu. Oba mają utraty twardego odcinka ustalone z brokerem Handel z twardym limitem jest uznany za pozycję 1, a druga bez ograniczeń jest pozycja 2 Początkowo EA tylko monitoruje zamknięcie pierwszej pozycji. To zamknięcie może być spowodowane tym, że handel osiąga swój twardy limit, lub może to być wynik ręcznego zamknięcia handlu przed osiągnięciem limitu twardego W każdym bądź razie EA uważa, że ​​zdarzenie pierwszego zamknięcia transakcji jest równoznaczne z pierwszym trafionym celem Kiedy tylko EA zauważa, że ​​pierwszy handel jest bliski d, natychmiast próbuje przenieść stop loss na drugą pozycję nawet, co oznacza, że ​​stop loss jest równa cenie wejściowej Jeśli ręcznie zamknij pierwszy handel tak blisko ceny wejścia, że ​​broker nie zezwala na stop być przeniesiona tam niektórzy brokerzy wymagają zmodyfikowanych przystanków minimum 5 pips od ceny bieżącej, wtedy EA będzie wielokrotnie wysyłać polecenia modyfikacji do brokera, a broker będzie wielokrotnie ich odmawiać Należy starać się tego uniknąć Więc, bądź świadomy minimum minimum dla maklera, jeśli próbujesz ręcznie zamykać pozycję 1 wcześnie. Kiedy pozycja 1 jest zamknięta i EA przesuwa pozycję stopki 2 nawet, to monitoruje drugą pozycję, aby zatrzymać szlak zgodnie z wewnętrznymi zasadami MACD 3 Trading System oraz parametry ustawione w EA Parametry pipsBehindLevelForStop default 10 i minimumStopLossPips default 30 są kontrolą przenoszenia straty zatrzymania w toku handlu Poziom w p ipsBehindLevelForStop to poziom 25 pip w wskaźniku poziomu cen Jednak EA nie jest świadomy wskaźnika poziomu cen Zna poziomy cen wynoszące co 25 pipsów, ponieważ parametr EA levelPipSize ustawiony jest na 25 domyślnie Jeśli zmienisz ten parametr na 50 , to zachowywałby się tak, jakby poziom wynosi co 50 pipsów. Co więc, co to jest monitorowanie W oparciu o wartości domyślne, gdy tylko aktualna cena wynosi co najmniej 30 pips od ceny 10 pips za najbliższy poziom cen, przenieść stop loss do tej ceny Oznacza to, że kiedy handel przebiega drogą, większość czasu, gdy stop loss jest większy niż 30 pipsów Również, jeśli weźmiemy pod uwagę to, że matematyka za tym podejściem okaże się, że tłumaczy to przenosząc stop loss do 10 pips za ostatnim poziomem, za każdym razem, gdy obecna cena dostaje się w granicach 5 pipsów na zbliżającym się poziomie, który ma zostać osiągnięty Jest to dokładnie zgodne z MACD 3 Trading System Jeśli zmienisz którąkolwiek z poprzednich menti na przykład, można uzyskać znacznie inne zachowania niż EA Jeśli chcesz, aby monitor EA był bardziej strategią handlu swingiem z większymi ograniczeniami, możesz zmienić minimumStopLossPips od 30 do 55, a efektem byłoby to, gdy cena pojawił się w ciągu pięciu pułapów na następnym poziomie, stop zatrzymałby się do 10 pipsów za nie poprzednim poziomem, ale na poziomie poprzednim Te przykłady są podane tylko w celu wyjaśnienia, jak działa logika Nie sugerujemy, że rzeczywiście robisz te zmiany ZMIANA TYCH TRZY PARAMETRÓW NIE PRZEWIDZIEJ ZADŁUŻONY PRZYDATNOŚĆ DOSTĘPUJĄCY NA RACHUNKU DEMO DOSTĘPUJĄCY ZE WYNIKEM Przeciętny użytkownik nie powinien martwić się o zmianę tych parametrów Dostarczamy tych informacji, ponieważ ktoś tam będzie prawdopodobnie wondering. levelPipSize 25 pipsBehindLevelForStop 10 minimumStopLossPips 55.Kiedy cena dostanie się do 5 pipsów w nadchodzącym poziomie cen, stop zostanie przeniesiony do 10 pi ps za drugim poziomem za Powodem tego, że występuje w ciągu pięciu pułapów na następnym poziomie jest to, że 10 pips za jednym poziomem jest możliwe zatrzymać zatrzymanie nowej utraty Gdy aktualna cena to 55 pipsów przed tym punktem, wtedy zatrzymanie jest przenoszone Ponieważ cena poziom wynosi 25 pipsów, a 10 pipsów za jednym poziomem plus 55 pipsów oznacza, że ​​zawsze znajduje się w pięciu pułkach na następnym poziomie. Nie ma żadnego parametru kontrolującego 5 pułapów z następnego poziomu, jest to tylko wynikiem matematyki trzech parametry. levelPipSize 50 pipsBehindLevelForStop 10 minimumStopLossPips 50.Kiedy cena spadnie poniżej 10 pipsów na zbliżającym się poziomie, stop zostanie przeniesiony do 10 pipsów za poprzednim poziomem, który oblicza do 50 pips za obecną cenę. levelPipSize 25 pipsBehindLevelForStop 5 minimumStopLossPips 30.Kiedy cena uderza nowy poziom, stop zostanie przeniesiony do 10 pips za poprzedni poziom To dlatego, że cena, która wynosi 10 pips za poziomem poprzednim plus 30 pipsów będzie równa zbliżającemu się poziomowi cen. Jak handel jest c losed. As uprzednio omówiono, pierwszy handel jest zamknięty, kiedy uderza w limit twardy, który został ustawiony z brokerem Kiedy ten handel zostanie zamknięty, EA monitoruje zysk drugiej pozycji i przenosi stopnie stratę okresowo, jak to poprzednio omówiono. Drugi handel gdy cena spadnie z powrotem do utraty utraty twardego dysku ustalonego przez brokera lub do momentu ręcznego zamknięcia handlu Jeśli ręcznie zamknie się handel, EA wykryje i przestanie monitorować. Te, które można t lub nie powinny robić. Możesz tylko jeden zestaw transakcji EA otwarty na jednej parze walutowej Innymi słowy, możesz mieć otwarte w EAJ handlu, a także w EURUSD, a także w USDJPY itd., ale nie masz jednego zestawu transakcji w EURUSD zarządzanym przez EA, a także w innym pakiecie transakcji w EURUSD zarządzanym także przez EA Proszę NIE staraj się pracować nad tym ograniczeniem - nie odniesiesz sukcesu Nawet jeśli masz inną instalację stacji handlowej na innym komputer, jeśli jesteś zalogowany na tym samym koncie handlowym na obu przypadkach wystąpienie EA na stacji 2 handlu nadal rozpozna transakcje, które zostały umieszczone na stacji 1 i będą próbować je kontrolować Nie będzie można wprowadzić innego zestawu transakcji na tej walucie para, a zamiast tego będą miały dwie instancje EA na tej samej parcie waluty na dwóch różnych stacjach handlowych, z których każda walczy z innymi w celu zarządzania handlem. Musisz unikać ręcznego zamykania pierwszej pozycji handlu, jeśli druga pozycja nie jest w wystarczającym stopniu zysku aby umożliwić EA przenieść stop, nawet Brokerzy mają wymóg, aby nowo zmodyfikowana strata stop była minimalną liczbą pips z dala od obecnej ceny Często jest to 5 pipsów, ale jest kontrolowane przez indywidualnego brokera EA nie wie co to ustawienie brokera Wszystko to wie, że jeśli jest tylko jedna pozycja, to zakłada, że ​​jest to druga pozycja i że pierwsza pozycja jest ograniczona Będzie ona natychmiast i wielokrotnie próbowała przenieść stop loss na pozostała pozycja do równoważenia jej ceny wejściowej zatrzymać się do zera zera Jest całkowicie OK, aby ręcznie zamknąć pierwszą pozycję wcześnie, aby wywołać tę czynność, jednakże, jeśli to zrobisz, gdy aktualna cena jest zbyt blisko Twojego wpisu, powodować, że firma EA stale i wielokrotnie próbuje przenieść stop loss na niewłaściwą cenę To zatyka wątek handlu w Twojej stacji handlowej, powodzi broker z nieprawidłowymi żądaniami modyfikacji handlu i ogólnie spowoduje, że stacja robocza będzie źle zachowywać Jeśli kiedykolwiek okaże się to ręcznie zamknięto pierwszą pozycję zbyt blisko aktualnej ceny dla EA, aby przenieść stop na pozostałą pozycję, najlepszym sposobem działania byłoby usunięcie EA z wykresu i ręczne zarządzanie pozostałymi pozycjami Kiedy pozostała pozycja jest na tyle profit, aby legalnie przenieść stop, można umieścić EA z powrotem na wykresie, ustawić jego początkowe parametry ponownie, a znajdzie handlu i rozpocząć zarządzanie nim ponownie. Należy unikać ręcznego zamykania druga pozycja handlowa, pozostawiając pierwsze miejsce otwarte Jeśli to zrobisz, traktuje pierwszą pozycję tak, jakby była to druga pozycja i próbowała przestawić stoper na zero, a szlak zatrzyma handel, nawet jeśli ma swój własny twardy limit z brokerem. Musisz unikać próbowania ustanowienia zamówień oczekujących zbyt blisko aktualnej ceny. Brokerzy wymagają, aby cena wejścia nowego zamówienia wynosiła minimalną ilość pestek z dala od aktualnej ceny. Często jest to 5 pips, ale jest kontrolowane przez indywidualnego maklera Jeśli próbujesz wprowadzić EA w oczekiwanym zamówieniu, zbyt blisko aktualnej ceny, zamówienie nie zostanie złożone i wyda Ci się, że EA nie działa Nie będzie zalać brokera z powtarzające się i ciągłe próby wejścia do handlu Ponowne próby powtórzenia kilka razy, a następnie zrezygnowania, jednak wydaje Ci się, że EA nie działa Może się okazać błąd wyświetlany w oknie dwa razy - raz dla każdego handlu, który próbował otwórz będziesz również ha Dodatkowe informacje znajdują się na karcie Eksperci w oknie Terminal stacji dystrybucji MT4. Gdy pierwsza pozycja została zamknięta, niezależnie od tego, czy została ona ręcznie zamknięta, czy też osiągnęła twardy limit, EA natychmiast próbuje przenieść stop loss na drugą pozycję, nawet jeśli cena wpisu Jeśli z jakiegoś powodu chcesz zatrzymać utratę przerwy wcześniej niż wpis, nie będziesz w stanie jej zatrzymać podczas pracy EA Jeśli zmodyfikujesz stop, aby był na poziomie -5 pipsów, EA wykryje pierwsza pozycja została zamknięta i spowoduje zresetowanie utraty przerwy do końca Jedyny sposób, w jaki można zatrzymać utratę przerwania mniej niż nawet po zamknięciu pierwszej pozycji, jest wyłączenie EA na poziomie stacji handlowej, wyłączenie Zezwalaj na handel na żywo w oknie właściwości w tym konkretnym przypadku EA lub, usuwając EA z wykresu całkowicie Gdy firma EA przestaje monitorować handel, możesz zmienić stop loss na mniej niż nawet, a EA nie będzie żyć, aby to zmienić Kiedyś Chcesz, aby firma EA znowu zarządzała handlem, po prostu cofnij dowolny proces, który wyłączyłby EA i wykryje handel i zacznie go monitorować. Możesz to zrobić bez zakłócania pracy EA. Możesz zamknąć stację roboczą i zrestartować ją Oczywiście, w czasie, gdy stacja robocza jest wyłączona, EA nie kontroluje transakcji. Ale gdy stacja handlowa ponownie uruchomi, okna wykresów z EA będą wyszukiwać transakcje które należą do nich, a jeśli zostaną znalezione, wznowi ich zarządzanie. Możesz zamknąć wykres lub usunąć EA z wykresu, a mimo to, że transakcje nie będą już monitorowane, nadal możesz umieścić EA na tym wykres, ustaw parametry w taki sposób, aby pasowały do ​​handlu, który jest aktualnie wyświetlany na żywo i wznowi monitorowanie handlu. Jeśli masz kontrolowane transakcje EA otwierane w pary walutowej, możesz ręcznie otworzyć dodatkowe pozycje w tej parze, nie zakłócając transakcji, które są zarządzanie przez EA Możesz także używać EA do otwierania transakcji handlowych i zarządzania tymi transakcjami w INNYCH parach waluty, a każde wystąpienie EA zarządza transakcjami swojej pary walutowej bez ingerencji w transakcje zarządzane przez EA innych par walutowych NIE MOŻNA mieć wiele przypadków transakcji zarządzanych przez EA na tej samej pary walutowej Innymi słowy, jeśli masz kontrolowane przez EA transakcje w EURUSD, nie można otworzyć innego zestawu transakcji zarządzanych przez EA na EURUSD. Możesz zalogować się do innej stacji handlowej uruchomionej na innym komputerze ten sam rachunek handlowy, a jeśli upuści EA na wykres przejmie zarządzanie wszystkimi transakcjami, które zostały otwarte przez EA na tej pary walutowej Na przykład, masz laptopa i otworzyłeś EA prowadzone transakcje na nim Jednak potrzebujesz wyjść i zabrać laptopa z Tobą Jeśli masz komputer z twoim domem ze stacją roboczą i zainstalowane na niej ulepszenia platformy MACD 3 Forex Charts, możesz wyłączyć EA na swoim laptopie i skonfigurować EA na innym komputerze i drugi P C przejmie zarządzanie tym handlem. Możesz wcześniej skonfigurować parametry z dużym wyprzedzeniem, więc jeśli przyjdzie czas, masz już skonfigurowane parametry i gotowe do pracy - wystarczy wyświetlić okno właściwości EA, klikając przycisk na buźce na wykresie, na którym działa EA, sprawdź, czy ustawienia są poprawne, a następnie kliknij przycisk OK, aby wykonać transakcje. Aby skonfigurować opcje z wyprzedzeniem, postępuj zgodnie z instrukcjami dotyczącymi konfigurowania EA, ale kiedy pojawi się okno dialogowe potwierdzenia końcowego jest wyświetlany, wybierz opcję No See Confirming The Trade poniżej. Jak EA śledzi transakcje. EA używa wewnętrznego systemu numeracji, który pozwala analizować wszystkie otwarte transakcje na swojej stacji handlowej i sprawdzić, czy któryś z tych transakcji jest w parze walutowej, EA jest włączona, a jeśli którykolwiek z transakcji w tej parze walutowej został otwarty przez EA So, nawet jeśli czas handlu został tymczasowo zamknięty lub jeśli wykres z EA został przypadkowo zamknięty, gdy EA uruchomi się ponownie na wykresie może ponownie przejmij kontrolę transakcji, jeśli zostały utworzone przez EA na tej samej parze walutowej. Odkryj ją w Nawigatorze. Wybierz nawigator w menu Widok stacji roboczej lub naciśnięcie klawisza Ctrl N spowoduje wyświetlenie okna nawigacyjnego Przewiń do elementu o nazwie Expert Advisors Jeśli ma obok niego znak, kliknij na niego, aby rozwinąć węzeł i zobaczyć wszystkich doradców, którzy są zainstalowani na swojej stacji handlowej. Zlokalizuj ten, nazywany MACD 3 Trade Assistant. Umieść go na wykresie. dla pary walutowej wystarczy kliknąć na pomoc handlową MACD 3, przeciągnij ją do wykresu pary walutowej, którą chcesz sprzedać, i upuść ją na wykresie Zobacz jak wiem, że EA działa na pary walutowej więcej informację. Po usunięciu EA na wykresie zostanie wyświetlone następujące okno, zwane okno Właściwości To okno zawiera wszystkie parametry na karcie Input i inne ustawienia na karcie Common Podczas pierwszego używania EA musisz sprawdź, czy ustawienia na karcie Zwykły pro okno perties jest ustawione tak, jak w poniższym przykładzie Jeśli nie zezwalasz na handel na żywo i zezwalaj na import DLL i zezwalaj na import ekspertów zewnętrznych, wówczas EA nie będzie działać Jeśli przypadkowo sprawdzisz funkcję Confirm DLL, otrzymasz wiele naggingowych okien potwierdzenia i może zakłócić funkcjonalność EA. EA prosi o ręczne potwierdzenie przed wprowadzeniem zamówień na żywo lub oczekujących na wysłanie zamówienia, a więc ręczne potwierdzenie zapytania jest zbędne, a także może zakłócić terminowe wykonanie Twoich początkowych pozycji, jeśli są próbując wejść w obecnej cenie rynkowej. Ustaw parametry. Następnie musisz powiedzieć EA, jak chcesz robić handel i jak chcesz go zarządzać Parametry są tutaj udokumentowane Parametry i szczegółowo tutaj Parametry - szczegółowe wyjaśnienia. Potwierdź handel. Po wprowadzeniu wszystkich parametrów i kliknięciu przycisku Ok na karcie Wejścia otrzymasz ostateczne okno potwierdzenia. Otrzymasz jedno z dwóch okien s poniżej w zależności od tego, czy konfigurujesz zamówienia na żywo lub oczekujące zamówienia. Jeśli klikniesz przycisk Tak, EA spróbuje wykonać transakcje. Jeśli klikniesz Nie, EA nie wykona transakcji, ale nadal będzie być zainstalowany na wykresie z aktualnymi ustawieniami parametrów Możesz wyłączyć i ponownie uruchomić stację roboczą lub zmienić harmonogramy wykresów, a EA nie będzie ponownie inicjalizować i próbować robić transakcji EA tylko spróbuje wykonać transakcje, gdy ostatnia akcja była klikając przycisk OK na karcie Wejścia okna właściwości. Wcześniej można skonfigurować parametry EA, a po kliknięciu przycisku OK na karcie Wejścia kliknij po prostu przycisk Nie w oknie potwierdzenia, co umożliwi szybkie wykonaj EA w przypadku, gdy szukasz prawdziwego handlu Jeśli masz na liście EA nie handlującą grafiką i chcesz ją zrealizować, wystarczy kliknąć na buźkę na wykresie, na której będzie widoczny napis erties, upewnij się, że parametry są ustawione poprawnie, a następnie kliknij przycisk OK na karcie wejściowej. Zostanie wyświetlone jedno z powyższych okien potwierdzenia. Tym razem kliknij przycisk Tak, a firma EA przeprowadzi transakcje. Jeśli EA jest intalled na wykresie, zobaczysz jedną z trzech poniższych grafiki w prawym górnym rogu wykresu. Oto co każda z tych grafik ma dla ciebie znaczenie i co można zrobić z nimi. Oszacowania są wyłączone na poziomie stacji handlowej Istnieją dwa sposoby włączania EA dla całej stacji handlowej Jedna jest za pośrednictwem menu, a druga z paskiem narzędziowym Jeśli stacje EAs są wyłączone na poziomie stacji handlowej, standardowy pasek narzędzi będzie wyglądał tak. Kreator ekspertów wskazuje, że serwery EA są obracane off Jest to przełącznik przełączający, więc kliknięcie przycisku spowoduje włączenie EA na poziomie stacji handlowej, a następnie Standardowy pasek narzędzi będzie wyglądał tak. To ustawienie jest również kontrolowane przez menu, klikając menu Narzędzia, wybierając Opcje i upewniając się, że pierwszy opti na stronie Włączanie Doradców Specjalnych z wyjątkiem Wskaźników niestandardowych i Skryptów jest zaznaczone Ważne jest również, aby inne stacje sprawdzone na poniższym wykresie zostały również sprawdzone w stacji handlu. Ta grafika oznacza, że ​​nawet jeśli serwery EA są włączone na poziomie stacji handlowej, indywidualne okno EAs nie pozwala na handel na żywo Musisz mieć pewność, że sprawdzasz opcje omówione w Ustawieniach Wymagane Pierwsze Użycie Możesz także zauważyć, że nawet jeśli masz buźkę, EA nadal nie prowadzi handlu Sprawdź, czy Zezwolenie na handel na żywo w oknie Tools-Options powyżej jest również zaznaczone. Ta grafika oznacza, że ​​EA jest skonfigurowany do handlu lub rzeczywiście aktywnie handluje po wyrzuceniu EA na wykresie i skonfigurowaniu parametrów, nawet jeśli klikniesz No do ostatecznego okna potwierdzenia transakcji EA będzie nadal wyświetlana z uśmiechniętą twarzą Więc co to znaczy buźka oznacza to, że EA działa, niekoniecznie oznacza handel lub monitorowanie handlu. Jak wiem jeśli firma EA aktywnie monitoruje moje otwarte transakcje. Jeśli EA jest zainstalowana na wykresie i jest wyświetlana z buźką, możesz sprawdzić, czy jest monitorowanie transakcji przez komunikat wyświetlany w lewym górnym rogu Wykres jest włączony Oto informacje, które informują o stanie EA. EA nie monitoruje żadnych transakcji. EA jest w trakcie próby otwarcia zleceń na żywo lub oczekujących na wysłanie. Ten komunikat zostanie wyświetlony tylko w czasie to jest rzeczywiście przetwarzanie wniosków handlowych. Jeśli rynek jest zamknięty, lub żądane ceny są nieważne, lub zatrzymania lub limity są nieważne, zobaczysz okno błędu, a także zobaczyć ten komunikat w prawym górnym obszarze. Jest to co będzie wyglądało, jeśli Twoja firma EA monitoruje Twoje zamówienia na żywo lub oczekujące na wyświetlanie. Gdy zobaczysz tę wiadomość, wiesz, że firma EA znalazła zamówienia dla tej waluty, która jest jej własnością i jest im monitorowana. Jeśli ręcznie zamkniesz pierwszą pozycję, EA przesunie stop loss w drugim pos jeśli nawet manualnie zmienisz twardy limit pierwszej pozycji, EA nie spróbuje przenieść zatrzymania utraty drugiej pozycji, nawet jeśli pierwsza pozycja nie zostanie przekroczona. Jeśli usuniesz limit z pierwszej pozycji , EA nigdy nie przenosi strat, dopóki pierwsza pozycja nie zostanie zamknięta. Jeśli ustawisz limit na drugiej pozycji zamiast pozwolić EA zarządzać handlem, wtedy, gdy limituje EA wykryje, że jego zadanie zostanie wykonane i przestanie próbując monitorować transakcje. Jeśli pierwsza pozycja jest zamknięta, a EA przesuwa się do oporu na drugim miejscu, jeśli przesuń stopę dalej, EA po prostu przesunie stop loss do miejsca, w którym został zaprogramowany. musimy wyłączyć EA, jeśli chcesz mieć większe niż zarządzane straty strat. Jeśli pierwsza pozycja jest zamknięta i EA przesuwa się do końca stopu na drugim miejscu, możesz zmodyfikować stop loss of the second position, aby być bliżej aktualna cena bez wpływu na EA EA będzie nadal monitorować transakcje bez sprzeciwu, jeśli zmiana stop loss jest zbliŜona niŜ domyślna metodologia zarządzania JednakŜe, jak juŜ wcześniej stwierdzono, jeśli przeniesiesz stop loss dalej od domyślnej metody zarządzania, EA wykryje stop loss jest dalej niż powinien być i po prostu go przenieść z powrotem do miejsca, w którym został on zmodyfikowany. Aby usunąć EA z wykresu, po prostu kliknij prawym przyciskiem myszy gdziekolwiek na wykresie, wybierz Expert Advisors następnie wybierz Remove. Po wyrzuceniu EA na wykres wyświetlane jest okno opcji Parametry dla Asystenta handlowego MACD 3 są wyświetlane na karcie Wejścia Parametry, które zaczynają się od znaku i znajdują się we wszystkich wielkich przypadkach, nie są parametrami rzeczywistymi - nie mają wpływu w programie Są tam, dzięki czemu można zobaczyć szybkie opisy przypomnień o celach różnych parametrów. Wymagane Musi być równe KUPie lub SPRZEDAŻY lub kupić lub sprzedać bez cytatów. LOTST1 LOTY DLA HANDLU, KTÓRE JEST OGRANICZONE LOTST2 CZĘŚCI DLA TRANSAKCJI, KTÓRYCH TRAKTY OSTATECZNE OGRANICZNE CENIE 1 POZYCJI. Są to tylko komentarze, które przypominają w czasie wykonywania, co oznaczają niektóre parametry. Nigdy nie zmieniaj wartości parametrów, które zaczynają się znakiem i wszystkie są wielkimi literami. Wymagane Jest to wielkość partii dla pierwszej i drugiej pozycji EA otwiera T1 jest pierwszą pozycją, która dostaje ustawiony limit twardy, T2 jest drugą pozycją, która jest zarządzana, szlak zatrzymywany itd. Jest to cena limitu pierwszej pozycji Ty nie musisz dostosowywać rozprzestrzeniania podczas kupowania lub sprzedaży. Zapisz to na zero, a EA wchodzi w żywe transakcje w aktualnej cenie rynkowej Podaj cenę, a firma EA wprowadza oczekujące wpisy przy takiej cenie Użytkownik musi dostosować się do rozpowszechniania kiedy KUPUJE. To jest używane do obliczania początkowej utraty pozycji, gdy są otwarte. To mówi EA rozmiar wielkości Twoich poziomów Podobnie jak wskaźnik poziomu cen niebieski wiersz co 25 pipsów, ta liczba mówi EA, że cena lev Użyjesz 25 pip multiples. PIPSBEHINDLEVELFORSTOP PIPS - poziom cen, aby ustawić ping-pipsBehindLevelForStop 10. To mówi, że EA zatrzymuje się na podstawie 10 pipsów poza poziomem cen W ten sposób wie, że jego stop loss loss wynosi 10 pipsów za każde 25 pip wskazuje na to, że EA nigdy nie przestawi stop loss bliżej niż 30 pipsów z aktualnej ceny. BUYorSELL - Wartość domyślna Wymagana musi być KUPOWANA lub SPRZEDAŻY lub kupuj lub sprzedaj bez cytatów Nie możesz mieszać przypadku Innymi słowy, Kup lub BUy lub KUP nie będzie działał. Lotki1 - Wartość domyślna 0 00. Wymagana Jest to wielkość partii dla pierwszej pozycji, którą EA otworzy Pierwsza pozycja powoduje, że limit twardy zostanie zamknięty w pierwszym celu Zamknięcie pierwszej pozycji powoduje, że EA przesuwa punkt zatrzymania drugiej pozycji nawet po cenie wejścia Gdy ta pozycja zostanie zamknięta, EA będzie monitorować drugą pozycję, aby śledzić stop. lotsT2 - wartość domyślna 0 00.Required Jest to wielkość partii dla druga pozycja EA wi ll otwarta Druga pozycja nie ma ustalonego limitu Gdy pierwsza pozycja jest ograniczona, powoduje to, że EA przesuwa stoper drugiej pozycji tak, aby była nawet cena wejścia, a następnie monitoruje handel, aby zatrzymać stop. targetPrice - wartość domyślna 0 00. Wymagany Ciężki limit pierwszej pozycji zostanie ustalony na tę cenę Nie musisz dostosować się do spreadu przy zakupie lub sprzedaży EA użyje obecnego spreadu w czasie zlecenia do obliczenia ceny granicznej na podstawie wykres cena cena ofertowa wpiszesz here. startAtPrice - wartość domyślna 0 00.Zapisz to na zero, a EA wchodzi w żywe transakcje w aktualnej cenie rynkowej Podaj cenę, a EA wprowadza oczekujące wpisy przy tej cenie UWAGA W przeciwieństwie do ceny docelowej musisz rozliczenie przy ustalaniu oczekującego zamówienia na kupno Sprzedaję A będzie na poziomie ceny ofertowej, ale kupujący będzie w cenie Ask, która jest ceną wzorcową powiększoną o spread Podczas wprowadzania oczekującego zlecenia kupna należy użyć ceny to prawdopodobnie będzie pytać pric e gdy cena wykresu osiągnie poziom wejścia. MinStopLossPips - wartość domyślna 23. Jest to używane do obliczania początkowej utraty pozycji po ich otwarciu W oparciu o sieć cen 25 pip i fakt, że domyślnie zatrzymane straty, zostały umieszczone 10 pipsy poza poziomem cen, to pomaga EA dowiedzieć się, czy powinno się ustawić stopień początkowy z tyłu na bliższym poziomie lub na wyższym poziomie Jeśli stop loss 10 wykracza poza pierwszy poziom to mniej niż 23 pipsy, to sprawdzi on cena 10 pipsów wykraczających poza kolejny poziom i kontynuuj to tak długo, aż straty stopu wynoszą co najmniej 23 pipsów. levelPipSize - wartość domyślna 25. To mówi EA rozmiar Twoich poziomów cen Podobnie jak wskaźnik poziomu cen, niebieskie linie co 25 pipsów, ta liczba mówi EA, że poziomy cen są używane to 25 pip multiples. pipsBehindLevelForStop - Wartość domyślna 10. To mówi EA, że zatrzymuje się na podstawie 10 pipsów poza poziomem cen Jest to, jak zna jego stop loss poziomy to 10 pipsów powyżej każdego 25 pip cena level. minTrailStopPips - wartość domyślna 30. To mówi EA, aby nigdy nie przestawał stop loss bliżej niż 30 pipsów z obecnej ceny Więc jeśli 10 pipsów ostatnich ostatnich poziomów nie jest 30 pips od hotelu, to będzie nadal sprawdzać głębsze stopnie strat, dopóki nie znajdzie się co najmniej 30 pips od bieżącej ceny Ustawienie to na 30 powoduje, że EA przesuwa stopę na 10 pipsów przed poprzednim poziomem cen, gdy tylko pojawi się w pięciu pułkach następnego poziomu cenowego EA zawsze wygląda na przerywanie zatrzymań w obrębie 5 pipsów na poziomie cenowym. Przegląd Witryna Visit. This jest doskonałym systemem handlu dla osób nowych na arenie forex Jest to wszechstronny system, który uczy, jak działanie cen działa w obszarach wsparcia i oporu Będziesz miał stany ułożone na korzyść, aby mieć największe prawdopodobieństwo sukcesu podczas robienia zakupów przez zrozumienie, jak rynek naprawdę działa i to, co naucza Steve i Wade. Subskrypcja obejmuje większość narzędzi niezbędnych do osiągnięcia sukcesu. LIVE TRADING WEBINARS 5 dni w tygodniu podczas sesji w Nowym Jorku, gdzie omawiane są rozmowy na żywo, zanim zdążą się zdarzyć W ten sposób podejmiesz decyzję o tym, czy chcesz wejść na rynek, gdy handel się rozpocznie. Korzyści z tych seminariów internetowych nie mogą być zaniżone, ponieważ nie ma handlu w perspektywie czasu Jest to moment, analiza rynku w czasie rzeczywistym. PLAN DZIAŁANIA DAILY, który przewiduje potencjalne ustawienia handlowe, które będą miały miejsce w ciągu najbliższych 8-12 godzin. Jest to Twoja drogowa mapa, która pomoże Ci, jakie transakcje mogą być dostępne podczas sesji handlowych azjatyckich w Londynie Chociaż rynek jest dynamiczny i zmienia się , ten plan w połączeniu z Zrozumieniem i zastosowaniem treści kursu daje największe szanse na duże sukcesy handlowe. WEEKTYWNE SZKOLENIA I PRZEGLĄD HANDLOWY Każdy piątek Steve przechodzi przez poprzednie zajęcia w tygodniu, omówiono, jak i dlaczego były wtedy opłacalne, a także odpowiedzi na wszelkie pytania dotyczące ustawień Ponadto dyskutowane są tematy związane z handlem, w tym psychologia handlu, zarządzanie, przeglądy kursu handlowego macd3 itd. NADMIERNY KOMPLEKSOWY KURS, który szczegółowo wyjaśnia, jak i dlaczego rynek postępuje tak, jak to robi Podstawowe składniki tego systemu obejmują działanie cenowe, oporność na wsparcie, zarządzanie ryzykiem oraz stosowanie konkretnych wskaźników. TRADE ASSISTANT EXPERT ADVISER To narzędzie pomaga zautomatyzować transakcje W szczególności ogranicza zamówienia, automatycznie zatrzymuje utratę miejsca docelowego i przemieszcza się, a zyski końcowe mogą być wykorzystane w celu maksymalizacji potencjału handlowego. LIVE TRADING ROOM This private members area room gives members the opportunity to discuss trading setups and topics relevant to the macd3 system as they happen in real time. TRADE REVIEW BACKLOG Within the members area there are YEARS of previously recorded training sessions This is the real secret weapon of Steve and Wade Here you can spend days learning and refining your skills in how the course is applied This shows that even when the market changes, the core principles of the macd3 system have maintained their consistency and integrity in being able to trade in all market conditions. Now, all that being said, I feel as though an honest review should also include things that could help YOU make the most of this particular system that worked for ME. KNOWING ECONOMIC FUNDAMENTAL TIMING The macd3 is a very strong technical system that does not discuss in length fundamental analysis This is OKAY because I have found most of the market moves via technical flow approximately 70 to 80 of the time However, knowing when a fundamental report is going to come out can help you balance your decision to get into a trade or not For example, knowing a report comes out at 8 30am EST using for example can help you set up your trade assistant to set a limit order at a predetermined technical level In this way very fast market movements can be capitalized upon Otherwise, you may miss a level because it is hit and one minute later the market has already moved far enough away to keep you from wanting to get back into the trade Furthermore, certain fundamental news moves the market more than others so knowing the proportionate historical movement for each report I use can help you with your trading decision in whether you want to use a specific technic al level or not upon the release of a given report. REALISTIC TRADING EXPECTATIONS Be prepared to have 3 to 5 trading opportunities per week for each of the New York and London sessions Sometimes the Asian session has opportunities as well, but the majority of time your set ups will occur during London or New York This means there may be a lot of waiting in between trades Although the macd3 system is a DAY TRADING strategy this does not mean you will get a trade every time you sit down to trade Steve and Wade teach that knowing when to trade is just as important as knowing when NOT to trade, and that patience is absolutely necessary in order to capitalize on only the best opportunities If you are a scalper you will most likely want more than this amount of trades Similarly, if you are swing or position trader you will not want to focus so intensely during the busy times of the market which usually lasts 3 to 4 hours per session Although this system can be modified for swing and position trading, the main focus, and subsequently your ABS OLUTE DISCIPLINED FOCUS, must be available when the market moves the most during the beginning of each session Patience is absolutely key, and if you have not developed this skill of discipline and patience either you will not succeed with this system or the market will force you to pay attention. USING THE PROVIDED EXPERT ADVISER This may seem obvious, but I encourage you to take advantage of this very useful tool Many times in the live trading webinar a setup is placed on the board, and it is up to YOU to pull the trigger and launch the trade when the price comes into a predetermined level Many times price can spike into the level, and if you are not paying attention at that very moment you will miss the opportunity It is true that the entry price may change dependent on where a technical level is saying to do so over time, but you will almost always have the chance to change the level to be able to capture an entry should price spike into the price level The BEST way to do this is set limit orders at a price level UNTIL that price level changes as explained in the course and during a live webinar under Steve s guidance Essentially, YOU are responsible for paying attention, whether that be setting a limit order or staring at the screen watching the price bounce into your level I prefer using the EA to not only get me into the trade, but to also manage the trade most effectively to capitalize on a move Consider this A news report comes out and spikes the market in your favor 150 pips in 5 minutes, and then comes back to break even If you were not using the EA you would have most likely missed the entire move Further, if you were not using the trailing stop feature of the EA what would you end up with Its better to capture 120 pips of those possible 150 than none In other words, it really is in your best interest to use the trading assistant Just ONE trade could bring you over a hundred pips. Final thoughts I think the trade log listed on the front of the macd3 page represents the maximum amount of pips available to the market per week, but please do not expect that you will obtain every pip listed In other words, you will NOT get every single pip Do not get this course and service expecting that you will because it is impossible First, most people cannot trad e all three sessions unless you live in part of the world where that is feasible like south east Asia Second, the trading log represents the POTENTIAL MAXIMUM pips that were available Many times entry levels are fairly close to entry because they are predetermined in advance , but exit levels can vary This variability results from using, or not using, the trade assistant, and getting out of a trade when price starts rejecting a projected take profit level However, many times the possible pips can be quite close to what is represented because an exit occurs at a price level Steve teaches exactly how and when to consider exiting a trade, and although the principle is sound, it is again each traders RESPONSIBILITY to exit based on either the price target being reached or a rejection area that also considers time where a price is hanging out at a level This may sound ambiguous to new traders, but do not be afraid of this, especially when in the live trading room Steve will usually suggest a price exit upon certain criteria and give rationale for why a trade should be exited This mentoring helps new people further understand when to exit so that they can begin to integrate how and when they want to exit in the future. In short, this system attempts to teach people to become independent thinkers and be responsible for managing their own trades Yes, it is true that some people use this service simply for the live trade setups each morning in the New York session, but the information available to you in the website is comprehensive enough to have you eventually trade without using this service Of course, I wouldn t recommend this until YOU feel comfortable about taking trades on your own without their mentoring, but the truth is one day this service may not be available I therefore recommend taking advantage of Steve and Wade s course, guidance, mentoring, and webinars to work out how to become the best trader possible while they still are here I have been fortunate to use t heir system and guidance for over a year with increasingly better results I currently use a 2 risk on each trade a take with their system and am currently achieving between 10 and 20 per month I am slowly increasing my percentage winning per month as my confidence in trading has grown, and therefore expect to be averaging around 20 per month in the upcoming year 2017 Thank you for all your support and mentoring I only hope you are here for a while to help as many other people achieve their financial independence through this unique system. I purchased a lifetime membership in August of 2017 and no longer use this service I feel that it was necessary to share my experience and opinion because I dedicated over a year to this trading system and lost roughly 30 of my LIVE account balance I applied myself and took this system very seriously I was at every New York session trading session webinar that I could possibly make even attending them when I was on vacation I watched months of past re corded webinars and each Friday when another live fast track was on I would attend those as well I set alerts diligently and when a trade set up aligned that followed the rules and parameters I took the trade with 2 of my account I knew the system, I knew the terminology, I knew the rules and I was prepared to trade live. After doing my due diligence to find the best system out there and researching and trying many forex systems the reviews for this system were great and stood out with reviews stating streaks of 32 wins and no losses, 54 4 gain in 2 months, this is the real deal with 10 out of 12 reviews being 5 star Then there was the recorded pips profited from each trading session There were hundreds and hundreds of positive pips recorded with almost zero losses aka the 80 success spread sheet This seemed like I had finally found my system and needed to search no further Unfortunately it is not what I found. The 80 success spread sheet is one of the main reasons why I am writing this review If you look at the excel spreadsheet at during the time I traded this system you would say I should have been profitable, but I was not profitable and sustained significant losses following the strict rules and attending the webinars It is VERY misleading and is an unethical marketing tactic These are ANY and ALL trades from the daily trading plan that set up with profit taken near the highest profit level the trade reached Steve and Wade do not take all of these trades themselves but they take credit for them on their spreadsheet They are taken in hindsight which is not explained anywhere The only trades that Steve says he takes are during the New York session In hindsight my trading is also phenomenal I would have purchased 1,000 shares of google during its IPO in 2017 for 85 share and then later sold them at the very top for 1,000 share making a profit of 915,000 This discrepancy has been brought up in other reviews without actual trade proof presented to dispute this with ad equate time to do so To prove this system is actually successful all they would have to do is show an account through myfxbook that is verified and shows actual trades taken and actual gains made It is a free account and would actually use real trades rather than what if trades The templates provided by TFTC used to enter trades will always look great in hindsight with a good trade but when a trade is live it can also set up looking tradable but then go past that entry level for stop loss that would make the hindsight after fact trade look unacceptable or disqualified Below is a comment from Steve found on the excel spread sheet that shows explains a 4 month time frame that was not recorded during the time I traded live Once again there are services that are free and automatically record trades win loss and can be verified 11 4 2017- 11 8 2017 In this trade log, there are some gaps where we did give out trades just like we always do but they were just not written down Besides giving ou t trades and running our membership, there are many other projects we have been slammed with and we did not get them into this document To fill them all in now would be too time consuming and would not be worth our time to do it This system is just as reliable now as it has always been, with or without gaps in our reported results So if you want to make some PIPS then just join If it s not for you, we are happy to offer you our 30-day money-back guarantee. Inconsistencies - Called trades live after the fact Steve would come back into the webinar after a trade had set up and say ok we are in that trade now at XYZ level at that point many times the trade would have already be at break even or almost to break even giving him a huge jump on the statistic of the trade being successful Why wouldn t he come back into the webinar before if he was going to take the trade This is why a verified trading log would prove he was actually taking these trades.-Many, many times the daily trading plan is out late, so late I wouldn t even see it before I had to go to bed and couldn t set up my trades in the alerting EA The times of when it will be updated are specifically stated This plan is usually updated between 3 00 and 4 00 Pacific Time in the U S which is between 10 00 and 11 00 pm GMT This plan is valid until it is next updated It is not professional to say you will do something at a specific time and then not do it Regardless if you are busy you are providing a service that your members have certain expectations.-When Steve and Wade have projects that they are busy with the New York trading session suffers because Steve is not watching the charts as usual The excuse would be they are making changes to the system I am not paying money to hear you say you are too busy to provide the service you promised and that I am paying for.-7 23 15 Steve stopped sending out daily emails with the daily trading plan on it With his inconsistency on timing this was nice to have an email because y ou never knew when this information will come out At least with an email you would know you have the daily trading plan and can set up your alerts This is only providing a lower level of customer service requiring your customers to go into the website and check for when you might put the trading plan in for the day. Steve s system provided me with over 1,000 hours of screen time that I gained experience watching price action not indicators that I now use for my trading today The unfortunate thing is for that screen time I had to pay considerably for each of those hours not including the cost of my lifetime membership Losing that much money was very damaging to my trading psychologically and I really thought my trading was over I had to take a few months off and really thought that trading forex wasn t for me and that even though it is the best business in the world I just wouldn t be successful After my break I went back and researched a forex service that was my second choice when I wa s looking for systems when I found the forex trading coaches I was so determined to trade forex for a living I sucked it up and started from the beginning with a new mentor As hard as that was to start over again it was the best thing that I could have done It has been a little less than a year trading with my new mentor on my live account again and I have almost made all of my losses from the forex trading coaches I only trade a few hours a week and use longer term charts 4H and above Steve and Wade have made false promises of an 80 win rate system and when it comes to Forex there are too many scammers out there already and I feel like they have joined the club but try to do it with a smile so no one suspects anything and joins as a member for a few months or even better buys a lifetime membership The forex trading coaches need to make their promises realistic to their customers and provide them real results that are equivalent to what your system actually does Please provide a verifi ed live account with results to show what your system really profits I hope that this review gives you some insight on what really goes on at the Forex Trading Coaches and that you find the best service for you that allows you to become successful Good luck in your trading. Reply by Forex Trading Coaches submitted Nov 17, 2017.To begin with, if our service was really as bad and misleading and Jesse portrays then we would not have a 4 1 star rating Rather, it would probably be a 1 4 star rating As you all know with review sites, it s almost impossible to make 100 of the people happy 100 of the time It s just the way it goes You have to read the reviews and come to your own conclusion We re happy that 80 of the people writing reviews here have been happy customers That being said, one reason people signup for a coach is to get help from someone who knows more than themselves so they can improve We have seen several cases of members who came to us and thought they knew the system and termi nologies forward and backward only to find out that was not the case Someone can put 1,000 hours, or all the time in the world, into something but if they re not practicing correctly they re just getting really good at doing it incorrectly So while Jesse clearly thought he knew the entire system, apparently he was missing something It s just too bad he never contacted us about his losses to give us the chance to help him make adjustments Fred, who left a review above, only comes to our Live Trading Webinar and only takes trades based on the setups we give out He recognizes he is still learning and so he is wisely relying on our trade calls If you watch his interview on our youtube channel, Here s the link to his interview you will hear him tell you that he is making all of his money back that he has lost trading other systems Our Live Trading Webinar hasn t really changed in several years Fred comes and wins while Jesse comes and loses but the webinar is essentially the same except now we do tend to get more trades The only difference is the person attending the webinar and the choices they make It s an unfortunate reality that we have seen before Jesse spent a lot of time in his review detailing his perception of the problems in our results spreadsheet and called it misleading It really isn t misleading It s purposely setup to distinguish the trades that we give out live during the Live Trading Webinar from the trades that we give out from the Daily Trading Plan The Daily Trading Plan primarily covers the London Open session but also the Asian Australian markets The trades are color-coded to distinguish the different markets No one can trade the market 24 hours a day That s not possible So you ll get the results associated with the market you trade Jesse said that we come back in hindsight having recorded the exit price at the best possible price First of all, it s not hindsight trading when the trade setup is called ahead of time in a plan that we make available t o our members before the move ever happens Secondly, our results are very rarely the exact top but they are often close because we use major levels of support resistance as our targets because that s where price can change direction We teach our members that if you get to, or within 20 pips of, the target level and price begins to reject for 20-30 mins, you take profit before it likely reverses It s not perfect but it does often allow us to get out at some of the best prices Many of our members who trade live based on the Daily Trading Plan report back getting out very near, or even sometimes at better prices than the results we record There are plenty of times that price actually exceeds our targets but we re not taking credit for that There are also plenty of times where price stops short of our target and turns over earlier than expected so we record a breakeven or a trail stop for fewer pips, even if afterward price kept going So we simply record the results based on the trades we call beforehand and based on the exact method we teach our members for exiting Regarding myfxbook, if we ever do a signal service we ll have one setup But just as good is the fact that we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee So come into the Live Trading Webinar for 30 days and take the trades that we call and you ll see for yourself Regarding his point about the statement made about the gaps in the results We did get busy as we said on the spreadsheet But just because there is a gap doesn t mean that it must be a period of time where the system magically failed and that s why we didn t write them down But even if this were true, which it isn t, one bad spot in a nearly 6-year history is still pretty dang good Regarding live trades after the fact in the Live Trading Webinar Let us explain how the Live Trading Webinar works We put trades up on the trade board when they are qualified and we tell our members that if price comes down to the entry level then they can get in We explain to the m that if the trade is on the board it is qualified therefore, if it hits then they can enter, even if we don t come in at the exact moment and say it s time to get in The trade will either win or lose at that point and we have no control over that We also tell them to move the stops to breakeven once the trade has 12 pips profit Once the trade does go far enough into profit to move stops to breakeven, we ll often come in and remind the members to move theirs stops That is likely what Jesse was hearing us do, thinking he wasn t supposed to already be in the trade when he actually should have been He is correct that the Daily Trading Plan has often been out later than we wanted But that does not change its effectiveness The plan is meant to be used by the trader who sits down primarily in the London open session, but also the Asian session when trades setup, and gets ready to trade So even if it was late, when we sent it out it was always before the London session began So you sit down to trade, login to get the Daily Trading Plan, set up your alerts and monitor the market for a few hours That s how you use it And you only use it once you understand how the MACD 3 Forex Trading System works Regarding his statement about our projects affecting our Live Trading Webinar That may have happened once or twice but 99 of the time it has not About us not sending the email any more for the Daily Trading Plan That is correct and we clearly explained to all of our members why Many members were not even receiving the email because it was going to spam So we stopped and now post it directly in the member s area When you re ready to trade the London or Asian session, you sit down, grab the plan, and get to work Finally, Jesse called us scammers It s really unfortunate that someone would call us a name like that and try to make damaging remarks about our business when so many others have written such great reviews Again, we have a 4 1 rating not a 1 4 All Jesse had to do was contact us and let us know he was having an issue If he had, we re confident his story would be different We re at least glad to hear that he gained some technical analysis skills from us that he says the still uses to this day We do wish him the best and we re glad he has found something that does work for him That s what we want for people If you, as a trader, come into our webinar and follow our lead, then you should be able to net 200-600 PIPS per month pretty consistently If this were not true, then Fred never would have said that by just following us exclusively in the Live Trading Webinar, that he was getting his money back that he lost trading other systems. Never used this system but have watched their free webinars General thoughts are 1 Find it funny that 99 of the comments on here are positive Seems to me that is likely fixed or ghost writers But I have no proof of that obviously 2 any system that does not teach you to actually read the markets Elliott wave is not teaching you to t rade Forex Nothing they charge for could not be learned 100 on your own I have been trading for years and have tried MANY so-called systems before I decided to train myself how to actually read the charts on all time frames with no indicators of any kind for the most part Doing so will allow you find more opportunities than a single restrictive and complicated system and train you on the clear and obvious patterns the market has always repeated. Reply by Forex Trading Coaches submitted Nov 16, 2017.This guy is not, and never has been, a member so we wonder why this review is even posted Reviews are for people who have actually tried the system Based on his bias, all he did was see that we had indicators and decided that it must not be any good Regarding Elliott Wave, if you really want to get confused start there It s not easy The traders who we ve seen do the best with Elliott Wave are the ones who use indicators to help them figure it out You can learn how to do almost anything for fr ee but at what expense Time and money because you have to take the free stuff and find out what works and what doesn t Our system might have indicators to help support trading but anybody who knows anything about the MACD 3 System knows that it s primarily based on price action and simply uses the indicators to complement what price action is telling you. Andrew Mitchem Review Visit site. Live discussion. Join live discussion of Andrew Mitchem on our forum. Andrew Mitchem profile provided by Andrew Mitchem, Sep 1, 2017.Andrew Mitchem has been teaching traders from all parts of the world since 2009 Clients receive access to a membership site that contains many excellent trading resources - with the aim benig to help the client become an indpendant and successful Forex trader.1 The course and strategy is laid out in a series of easy to follow videos, screenshots and text.2 Andrew provides clients with a daily market analysis which can be used for the upcoming trading day - this also includes specific trades with the reasons for the trade setup and the exact entry and exit levels.3 Live webinars are held which allows clients to follow along in real time with Andrew s analysis of the market Trades are taken on a live account in front of clients.4 Trading software is provided which aids the decision making process.5 A comprehensive support site contains clients questions and answers to trading topics.6 Full email support is included. Up 9 15 af ter two weeks and after 8 years of trading, I have found my own mini holy grail. I started with Andrew course in October 2017, having listened to his podcasts as a quick filler, as they are only around 6 minutes, since 2017 I completed Andrew s online course over around 2 weeks and found this to be an excellent and well put together set of reading and video clips, reinforcing the words you have just read This was a refreshing and most helpful approach to better understand the concepts that are taught. After 8 years of having Forex as my hobby, having gone full circle and seen, tried and tested most approaches, with Andrew s help, it is all now coming together nicely. I have taken two previous courses that were also good, one in 2009 that was a pin bar method This taught good trading philosophy as well as good risk management and was useful, as well as taking another Trend Following course from a well known podcaster, this was also good, but again I was missing the ability to put a success ful trading approach together I have mostly remained break even over the years, frustratingly not quite getting to the consistantly profitable stage. Working in London and having a busy life is quite challenging I make use of the train journey to listen to the webinar recordings, these were every two weeks, although as of this week Andrew has one of his successfully taught traders, Paul, taking a webinar during the US session, rather than just having Andrew s during the NZ session This now means a live webinar every Thursday and the recording is then added to Andrew s website the next day. Andrew s course has brought together all what I have seen and tried over the years, but just could not quite reach where I knew I could get I am still facinated with following Forex and several of the indices that I follow Andrew s course has given me the logical and consistent approach that I had not been able to quite find myself. Andrew gives the required indicators and scripts that you need to follo w the simple, but considered approach that he teaches, thus this was the route to what is showing to be what I thought was not going to be possible, my own mini holy grail. I am up 9 15 this month two weeks so far and am pleased with how I am progressing This is from 21 trades taken across the D1 and H1 charts, with an. Many thanks thus far, I look forward to future trading success. Orange Country, USA. Awesome course, I learnt a lot and I am making consistent small profits as I am working with a 200 account The course gives you an insight into indicators and how this unique combination from Andrew works for your advantage Also every day he sends an update on the currency pair strength weakness and some Daily trade signals which are quite successful. Reply by Andrew Mitchem submitted Feb 22, 2017.Hi Ruchira, Thanks for your feedback It s great to know you are enjoying my coaching course and that it is helping you make consistent profits Keep up the great work and trading Regards, Andrew. Res ponse to Forex Trading Coach criticzing former client. I m writing this in response because Andrew chose to attack me and I think clients should have a response not just vendors My only regret after his response is that I bent over backwards in my first review to not just give a negative review and said many positive things Just like I predicted he would blame me for everything which is what unethical people in this industry do all the time You wont find his trading results posted anywhere where it is authenticated like myfxbook which is another trait of these types Another trait is focusing on longer-term trades where it is harder to determine their real returns. As to not learning, reviewing and implementing his methods I went thru at least six times, asked many questions, watched videos and webinars Just to prove it he teaches how to use pivot points correctly like institutional traders, bollinger bands, price action, he has a candle identifier software to help spot potential setups, the importance of round numbers, stochastic divergence He also teaches how to correctly use fibonacci levels like institutions do. Bottom line with his program the results for me were I spent over 2000, hundreds of hours over four months and never became profitable One month later after I realized I had to cut my loss and move on, I have been making consistent 3-5 gains in 3-4 hours trading one pair. Dec 16, 2017 - 2 Stars Here are the pros and cons of The Forex Trading and Andrew Mitchem. After spending over 2300 and wasting four months I had no success with his product and trading style I don t believe Andrew is a typical internet scam artist, His trading strategy seems technically sound and you learn some important tools that institutions use He is very passionate, does care, he answers your questions and has a live webinar every two weeks His course is put together real well and is made easy to understand. Before spending 2,000 for TFTC course you need to know some key things I joined and initially I thought his technical strategy would work on shorter-time frames I even got some good results using Forex tester on shorter-time frames I was so excited initially after joining I sent him an email complimenting him that on Forex Tester his strategy worked on all pairs and time frames However in reality anything under the four hour time frame just simply doesn t work His suggested potential trades of the daily chart are hit and miss I m sure he will claim I didn t work hard enough, follow what he teaches correctly or didn t practice good money management but I worked so hard at this that is BS These are the standard excuses and rationalizations of the people in this industry who continue to profit from others misery and naivete. If you ask him about his refund policy and he will tell you this is worth too much to just give away This tells you all you need to know He will then offer a confusing vague promise to refund your money after one year if his daily suggested trades don t perform to a standard It is so confusing you would need a lawyer to understand and it helped fool me into think he is bearing some risk on his side and standing behind his product These are techniques he has honed over the years to maximize his income In fairness he did refund the portion of unused mentor sessions to me and acted like he had done me a favor. However in reality if your a shorter-term trader and like me am looking to average a significant percentage gain per day on your capital instead of per week this is not what you have been searching for I even signed up for extra mentoring and that didn t accomplish anything My mentor who was not Andrew said to me that he knows Forex Traders who after ten years are happy with 1-1 5 per day I began with a a new service and mentor and within just a couple weeks I have been able to start scalping 3-5 gains per day on trading EURUSD only for only 3-4 hours per day My journey to Forex Hell and back took me over 2 5 years, 10,000 in products and services and I finally found someone who could help rescue me from Forex Hell. This is not a fake review and I could suggest one e-book that will tell you the truth about 99 of products that are sold about Forex I also wont mention the service is also reviewed on this site that is how I found it that turned around my trading because I don t want to violate any terms on this site I also don t want you to think I m just making this up to push one product over another However since I have been thru hell and I care so much that others don t go thru what I have. Reply by Andrew Mitchem submitted Dec 22, 2017 This is a really disappointing review from Mark in many ways. Mark came to me on 17th July 2017 asking about my course and telling me how he was desperate to earn a full time living from trading I wrote back to him explaining everything that was included in my course and how I trade and teach He then told me that he couldn t afford more debt and wanted some guarantees I expla ined that there were no guarantees in trading and I also told him not to join yet and suggested he come back to me when he was in a position to be comfortable spending the sort of money needed for the course - see a screenshot of that email here. Mark then decided to join on 30th July as I offered a 20 return guarantee with my course on a webinar he attended 2017 ended with a 35 gain for the year from my D1 chart suggestions Initial emails and contact were encouraging as he was back testing and sending me screenshots and results telling me how wonderful my course was. By September, Mark was complaining how he d spent so much time setting up profiles on his MT4 platform and he was having issues with MT4 I did my beat to help him, send him screenshots and videos, showing him on my live webinars how to set up profiles, suggesting he contact his broker after all MT4 is something offered by his broker, not me As time went on, it was clear that Mark had not hardly looked at the course Emails s tarted to sound more desperate and Mark was switching from time frame to time frame Mark was also spending crazy amounts of time at the screen, see here - I suggested he looks at trading longer time frame charts and trade for about 30 mins - 1 hour per day Instead, as Mark mentioned, he decided to seek extra tuition from an experienced and successful client of mine That was fine but he insisted on wanting to trade 5 and 15 minute charts While my strategy works fine on these charts, it does require more chart watching time and I felt Mark should be reducing his screen time On 10th October he decided to ask for a refund for the extra short time frame chart tuition, so I refunded him On 17th October, he then purchased private tuition for the longer time frame chart trading My tutor had a hard time on the lesson, with Mark being quite rude to him the sessions get recorded but on 21st October Mark decided to ask for more tuition again He failed to show up for a pre-arranged webinar time, in sisting that my tutor email him videos and screenshots My tutor spent 2 hours making videos and emailed everything to Mark, doing his very best to help him out Mark then wrote to me asking for a full refund on the fee he d paid for the tuition. Then I see this review on FPA. I have never once despite me asking seen trade history or chart screenshots of the trades Mark has taken. In my opinion and I ve been teaching people of all levels of experience for 8 years , we have done everything possible to help and assist Mark In fact, we have gone over and beyond what would be expected - and to help someone out, we are more than happy to do this However, in order to be a successful trader, you also need to have a level head and be able to help yourself. I have been a client of Andrew Mitchem for 3 months now, his course has helped me gain knowledge and a lot better understanding about the Forex Market His strategies have truly helped me get to where I wanted to be, and that is being profitable. Im very appreciative to have signed up for his course and seeing results I recommend people who are struggling with the Forex Market to sign up for his course if they would like to be educated. Reply by Andrew Mitchem submitted Oct 9, 2017.Hi Rachain, Thanks for your feedback I m really pleased to see that my course has helped you to become a profitable Forex trader Keep up the great work Regards, Andrew. Dear Bad Trader. If you are reading reviews because you need help to become a successful forex trader then this review is for you If you are wondering whether Andrew is the real deal he is Andrew Mitchem is the real deal, the ducks nuts, the dogs OK you get the idea. I have been training with Andrew for over a year This followed 10 years failing at trading stocks on the ASX I have been very slow to let go of my bad habits, my over trading, impulse entries, totally random arguments for trades I have been the quintessential undisciplined failing trader. I am your brother. But the good news is t hat six weeks and 96 trades ago I decided to just stop all the smart arse childish self-indulgent behaviour and just do exactly what Andrew said to do The result has been a bit up and down but averages out at 5 return on account per week If you can do a compounded return calculation on this, you will see that it is biblical on an annual basis and totally unbelievable except that I am actually living it You should note that Andrew s stated target is 1 5 weekly and that I have a slightly higher risk level than Andrew old habits die hard I guess. So my review of Andrew is that he is the real deal, the true teacher That s what I want to focus on in this review, his teaching ability But let s quickly cover the other aspects of Andrew s services. The Training Course This is an excellent step by step course that takes you through understanding forex, how to manage risk, how to select trades, where to enter, where to place protective stops, and where to take profits I have done some other course s and they were bogus non-specific general advice pieces that gave no real tools to improve your trading Andrew s course is razor sharp and specific about how to think and what to do. The fortnightly live trading sessions These are pure magic More than two hours each, joining Andrew and actual good traders discussing and taking live trades For each set up Andrew discusses what is good and bad about it with reference to the stuff he teaches in the course The whole experience is completely coherent He also discusses recent daily trades taken and not taken Oh yeh, and there is a library of his historical webinars that go back to 2010 I have watched most of these and there is no inconsistency in his logic and methodology The most agonizing part of this has been listening, for a-year-less-six-weeks, to other pupil traders discussing trades with Andrew and how they have made money, done the right thing, followed the process god I hated them.3 Tools Andrew was once a terrible trader who made a ll the same mistakes you and I have made Just read his free trading autobiography Once he got his sh together he developed tools that show key things in charts and help you size your trades correctly I have a high level of mathematical learning and can even do a bit of coding, but Andrew s tools are not some dumb process automation rubbish, they are the distilled understanding of his years of learning.4 Direct support Actually I can t comment on this very well because I am very independent and a bit too Scottish and so I don t like to ask for help I have not made direct one on one contact with Andrew very often However, when I have he has responded quickly and with real value Some of the other reviews bang on at great length about his one on one support and I accept their assessment.5 Forum Andrew has very recently launched a user s forum for his clients I have registered but not used it yet I suspect it will be a great Andrew method fan-person site, I just have not had time I started a new job last week.6 One-on-one personal training I understand that Andrew will actually travel to you and sit with you and do one-on-one training I did not do this, but I suspect it would be fantastic But my advice would be not to do this as a first step I am about to talk about Andrew as a teacher and you will understand why in a minute. OK, so let s talk about Andrew as a teacher There are plenty of people who are amazing at what they do but can t teach it to others There are plenty of people who love teaching but still aren t that good at it You have met these people they are great and passionate people but simply can t teach I am married to an amazing classroom teacher with 30 years of experience and she has a special gift and passion to support it Her results are truly amazing. She is an amazing teacher and Andrew is another. Andrew communicates a consistent and coherent message about how to trade That teaching is clear and specific about why to trade a pair, when to enter, when to stop out, where to take profits He calmly and clearly explains how to get ready to trade, how to assess strength and weakness Everything he teaches is completely coherent across the training course, his comments in live trades, and his historical analysis of past trades There is never a moment where you go hang on but last month you said or hang on where does that agreement come from. My breakthrough came because I had watched him clearly explain what he was doing, why he was doing it, and then seeing it work again and again and again After 11 months of arrogant pride I just surrendered and started to really listen and learn You will find other reviews that talk about getting to success in a few weeks with Andrew, I can totally believe those humble bast s It was just that I am strong minded and pigheaded and refused to let go of my bad habits. I know I am laboring the point here but it is the most important point and I really want you to understand it Andrew teaches you everything he kn ows and he teaches it very very well He holds nothing back I have been with Andrew long enough to see him add in new subtleties he has just learned In recent months he has talked more about staged exits than he did in maybe 2010 Whatever he knows he gives to you There is no elite club, no extra special special friends who have paid gold club membership, there is no special tools that are essential to his method that cost a fortune on top of the full registration There are no gimmicks That said, I did choose to buy one of his extra tools called PFO for a modest sum that automates your trade placement using the discipline of his method, but you could just use the simpler free tool if you want - it just takes a bit longer. Disclaimer I am not a personal friend or family member of Andrew s, I received no special deal or kickback from this review, I am just a grateful pupil I have re-written this review four times and am in a lot of trouble from my wife for the time invested in doing that Bu t I did the redrafts because I really want you to understand that I am a real person like you and that Andrew is the real deal By the by, you should stop and consider how many of Andrew s other reviews are really really long this tells you something about his effectiveness. OK, if you have read all the way to here then I suspect you are sincerely wanting help and I would like to challenge you Do you have the humility to learn from a great teacher how to do this thing we call forex trading If so your choice is simple I gotta go now the kids need their dinner. Reply by Andrew Mitchem submitted Oct 9, 2017.Hi Iain, That s a great story It goes to show that coming back to the basics and sticking to the trading plan do work Great job with making 5 per week, that s an excellent achievement Regards, Andrew. A great place to take charge of your trading career and avoid some of the errors that have been made by many a trader. I have had past experience with forex trading before and as most traders who have started out I got the speed wobbles got to cocky and crashed At this point which was over 10 years ago I let trading go but I always thought back to it and thought that the markets owed me which is a massive mistake Upon deciding to start up my journey trading again I looked for someone in my country who was successful as a trader I found this amiable chap called Andrew Mitchem and read his book in one night which is a excellent narration of how he started out his highs and lows through his trading career What I liked about Andrew is his transparency and his passion to see others succeed trading for everyone is different and my perception on it is to make great trades with your trading strategy forget about the money aspect and enjoy your trading and everything else that is a by product of this will see you reach your goals Having Andrew as a mentor and a coach is fantastic he replies to your questions and looks after his stable of students We have a online forum where we post our trading setups and thoughts and its a fantastic medium to learn and grow with some fantastic traders posting regularly And on a fortnightly basis we have a webinar trading room placing live trades, a great way to see trade setups and learn the skillset necessary to become successful your looking at becoming a trader a highly recommend as a fantastic place to learn and prosper in this awesome market Be prepared to put time and effort in and accept you are an apprentice and you will along with Andrews guidance and knowledge become the trader you want to be. Reply by Andrew Mitchem submitted Oct 9, 2017.Hi Brent, Thanks for your comments I m really pleased you enjoyed my book and you are doing well since taking my coaching course As you say, people needs to be prepared to put in some time and effort and if they do, it will pay off for them Regards, Andrew. Review by student back from 2017.I first done Andrews course back in 2017 and my goal was simple - be a full time trader. It s now 2 016 and I can finally say I ve done it. I trade full time now and have quit my full time job as an engineer. Yes, it has taken me more time that I initially planned me - optimist , but I could not have done it without Andrew. I still regularly go over his course material to improve my trading. If you are serious about your trading career Andrew is your mentor. On top of that Andrew is a great, approachable guy that will always respond to your questions and give you his advice. Jul 23, 2017 - 5 Stars I was struggling with my trading for about 3 years, done other trading courses, bought trading systems and robots, but was not getting anywhere Then 6 months ago I found Andrew course reviews on FPA and decided to give Forex the one last go with Andrews course and I m so glad I did. Ever since I joined Andrews course 6 months ago, my trading has been getting better and better week after week Finally I have 2 positive months in row. We all know how hard trading is so don t expect a get rich quick sc heme here, but with lot of hard work and a mentor like Andrew you will have the best possible chance of succeeding in this tough market. After struggling for so long I can finally see my goal, been a full time trader, in my sight. Thank You, Andrew. Reply by Andrew Mitchem submitted Oct 9, 2017.Hi Ivo, I m really pleased for you It s so good to see how your trading has turned around so much since taking my course back in 2017 Fantastic to see you are now trading full time and doing so well Great effort Regards, Andrew. I initially invested in TheForexTradingCoach in 2017 Notice that I said Invested, because I never considered it an expense or a cost It has been an investment based on the returns that I have generated by following Andrew s training I have just recently retired from a very demanding career that involved a minimum of sixty hours a week plus travel, which certainly impacted the available time to trade Also had some health issues that slowed me down Since I ve been away from tr ading for a while, I m very anxious to pick up where I left off My plans are to begin at the Start Here point and completely review the entire program for any tweaks that may have been introduced I can t over emphasize to new members of TheForexTradingCoach the importance of reading and studying all sections of the training in the order of presentation Actually, the information is so well developed and presented that I m looking forward to the task-at-hand there is a direct correlation between time invested in studying and return on investment In addition, I have always been impressed with the immediate attention I ve received from Andrew and his professional staff TheForexTradingCoach provides all that a person requires in order to become a successful forex trader. My best regards from the Lone Star state, Gary. Reply by Andrew Mitchem submitted Oct 9, 2017.Hi Gary, Thanks for your comments I like the fact you mentioned you saw the initial outlay in my course back in 2017 as an investme nt - that s such a good way to describe the joining fee I m glad you are enjoying your trading Regards, Andrew. I have been interested in the potential opportunity offered by Forex trading for a few years but, in the absence of a structured learning path and very limited free time to wade through the masses of unstructured information on the Internet, my interest had never - to my frustration - progressed beyond just that. Then, several months ago, I stumbled upon Andrew s website, began listening avidly to his podcasts and then eventually, quietly participated in one of his free webinars for beginners. To be honest, even though I had found all the free content that Andrew offers to be genuinely informative and very well presented, I was still a little hesitant of making the financial commitment to his online video course As much as anything else, even if the course itself didn t disappoint and despite my long-held interest in the subject and desire to learn more, I was wary of whether my own commitment would carry through and justify the investment. However, it is now about 4 weeks since I subscribed and whilst it is very, very early days in terms of my learning, personal development and hopefully eventual success, I have absolutely no regrets about committing to Andrew s course The materials are extensive, engaging, very thorough and presented in a structured self-paced learning format Beyond this, though, is the personalised approach to everything and the rapid and genuinely helpful response to any queries I also find that the daily trading suggestions are a great way to advance my learning in a real-world context, by reverse engineering how Andrew has arrived at them in the first place. It remains to be seen whether I will achieve my goal of becoming a consistently profitable Forex trader but I feel confident that I am at least following a viable path with an excellent mentor and fully recommend the course to anyone that is in a similar position to myself. Reply by An drew Mitchem submitted Oct 9, 2017.Hi Simon, I m pleased you enjoyed my podcasts and found them useful It s also nice to know you like what you see in my course I ll be doing everything I can to helping you achieve your goals Regards, Andrew. U S Open LIVE Trading Webinar Daily 5 45am -9 00am PT 1 45 pm GMT. In this webinar, You get to sit down and trade with us live every day during the New York Trading Session. We show you the MACD 3 Trade setups that are qualified We break them down for you according to the rules and give you the exact entry, stop loss and targets. The webinar usually generates 3 to 5 trades totalling about 80 to 150 pips a week Log into the members area to register. Asian London Open Daily Trading Plan Email. This email is our trading plan for the Asian and London sessions It s just like having us right by your side telling you exactly what to look for. We send it out Monday-Thursday near the Asian Open with detailed instructions for taking MACD 3 System trades during the Asian London Opens. The Daily Trading Plan usually generates 3 to 5 trades and 80 to 150 pips a week. MACD 3 Forex Trading System Online Course Login Anytime. You will learn the rules to the MACD 3 System and the 4 Setup Patterns we look for. It s a day trading system that works on all currency pairs in all market conditions. You will learn the same system that we have used to give out 80 winning trades to our members since 2009.They are honest, and most importantly have developed a system, that rarely stops out I have been with them for a couple of years I admit, you must dedicate time to learn the system, and the new macd 2 0 is even easier to learn If you master this system, it will teach you how to trade, and earn money The risk to reward is excellent I am a lifetime member, the deal was to great to pass up They are devoted, and Steve is such a great teacher They are there everyday at 8 45 est for New York session and provide a nightly email with trade recs for Asian London which most of the time is out by 11 00 pm or so est These recommendations are done for you, so as you learn you earn They also have trade management software to further reduce your chances for losing trades Their reported wins losses are accurate on their website In my opinion, give them a try, they are one of the needles in the haystack As I am writing this, a new trade opened on euraud, and I am up15 pips in a couple of minutes, and best yet, with their trade management I am guaranteed break even now Thanks Steve and Wade, keep up the great work. I am submitting my update of MACD3 V2 review The only thing i am not happy is that I cannot trade it FULL TIME I moved to another city having a day job and the thing is if i had the opportunity to trade it full time i certainly would I will, one day MACD3 V2 is giving me consistency of between 3-5 per month I made more then 25 since i joined and accuracy is 80 -90 Live trading rooms are so helpful, i just hate when I dont get into the room Solely from L ive trading rooms, my entries are 90 accurate MACD3 works so good, and every serious trader should try it Steve and Wade are great guys and I fully support them MACD3 v2 works perfectly since I have joined The average risk I do is 0 5 per trade and I am still making 5 Steve and Wade suggest 2 risk so using that risk its possible to make 20 per month Fully recommended. I freaking love MACD3 system After years of mediocre success and great failure from garbage I had tried to learn, I took a leap of faith with MACD3 What I like is they have daily webinars and show us the trades we should be looking at and even tell us where to enter and exit These guys are real traders and I am amazed how often the entry is on the exact pip they recommended the pull back to It is up to you to manage trade and take the time to actually learn the system However, as you are learning you are earning You can just take the trades given and make a great number of pips, but if you actually take time to learn and s tart finding your own trades you will do even better The training is top notch and the fact that you can be in the daily webinar, while trading the NY session, and ask questions and get immediate feedback There is also a forum that allows you to talk to other traders while trading London and Asian sessions I don t feel the traders use that forum to the full advantage it provides though, but that is the individual traders issue These guys are teaching you to fish while giving you the fish So I give this system a 5 star becz I have made more pips this month just from the recommended trades than I have with other systems I have used and I am finding great success finding my own trades If you try this system and can t see the value after the first month they do give refunds However, these are real traders that we talk to and trade with every day So, if you are asking for a refund you are probably not doing what they suggest and trying to tweek it yourself So, no system would work for you b ecause you want to do your own thing But if you are able to understand English and follow what they are showing you, you will never want a refund. I have been a member with FTC for over 6 months now, and have been trading for over 4 years I have had experience of 5 or 6 different systems or trading methods and feel qualified to say that the MACD 3 system is comfortably the best system I have come across It is imporetnat to understand that MACD 3 is a complete system and methodology and is all you will ever need to successfully trade the FX market The system is very mechanical and logical and removes most of the subjectivity and guesswork associated with other systems, which for me is crucial in keeping my trading emotions in check and ensuring I only take the very best setups There are very clear rules and steps to follow and system provides answers for each of the decisions a trader must make while trading Although simple in its approach, it does take time to learn, but it is well wort h it The system is built around a number of core concepts that were crucial to me, and if you have a grasp of them you will soon learn the MACD 3 approach - Trends, Support Resistance, Momentum and Multiple Timeframes In terms of performance, I was already doing reasonably well, but MACD 3 has helped take me to another level The system is so logical and reliable that it has very few lossses, and keeps you out of bad trades while waiting for the high probability setups If you put the time and effort in, and attend the live sessions, you can definitely emulate the performance shown in the MACD 3 results I am also in the process of blending parts of another system i was using with MACD 3 and so far the results have been amazing The MACD 3 guys are definitely the real deal, and deliver what they say They do not promise it will be easy or you will be an overnight success, but that is the realities of serious, professional trading and they are well worth the investment. Risks of Realty Invest ing. The most evident danger when it comes to property investing is the immediate threat of losing your financial investment This risk can be a huge blow depending upon how big your financial investment was to begin with but isn t the worst thing that can take place during the course of a property investment gone wrong While I m certainly not attempting to talk you out of investing in property entirely it is a smart idea to have a sensible view of the threats and the potential benefits. All good ideas carry with them some degree of danger The very same applies with property investing In spite of the promise of high benefits you should temper those aspirations with the fact that the risks included are generally just as high as the prospective benefits For this reason you need to take every possible precaution in order to insure that you lessen your exposure to risk whenever possible or at the very least are ready, financially and psychologically to accept the consequences of those threats if the time comes. If that wasn t enough lots of financiers fail to have an appropriate assessment and learn when it is truly too late that there are harmful structural problems and other sorts of things wrong with the home These things cost money to fix and cut into profits, periodically leading to a loss Things is that when you find out something is wrong with the property you are honor bound to either reveal the problem to potential purchasers or repair the issues prior to selling your home When it come to a flip, numerous major issues will certainly undo the work that has actually already be done If this doesn t advise you of the significance of a comprehensive evaluation I have no concept precisely what will certainly however evaluations are very important for many reasons and can conserve a lot of money and time if you have actually one done ahead of time. Another threat typical to real estate investing is the fact that things occurs Market trends tumble, companies go out of busin ess defaulting and the regional real estate market in disarray, mishaps take place during the course of the work, natural disasters take place, and buyers alter their minds and take out at the last minute Each of these things can have devastating repercussions and are usually occasions that are entirely beyond your control as a real estate investor. Do not allow the risks of realty investing avoid you from taking the plunge They are spelled out here to advise you that vigilance and caution are smart when buying realty not to talk you out of this possibly rewarding field of investing If you want realty investing there is no reason on earth you shouldn t put in the time and make the effort to read more about its capacity. If you are turning residences as your realty financial investment you have the possible to loose a little bit more as you can end up being injured throughout the course of your work The sad truth is that numerous who are trying to get into business of turning homes have n either appropriate insurance coverage this holds true of themselves and the building in general and others that might be working on the building , the money, nor the time that a significant injury may require.


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